ChemviewUse this database to get information on chemical health and safety data received by EPA and EPA's assessments and regulatory actions for specific chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). ChemView contains no confidential business information (CBI).If you do not receive results for a particular chemical, it does not mean EPA does not have information on that chemical; the data may not be posted yet but will be available in the future as EPA continues to populate the database.
OER Commons - PharmacologyOER Commons is a freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search and discover open educational resources and other freely available instructional materials.
AccessMedicineThis link opens in a new windowFeatures leading medical content, plus multimedia, self-assessment, algorithms, case studies, and more.
AccessPharmacyThis link opens in a new windowAllows students to select a core curriculum topic, browse by organ system, review textbooks, or search across leading pharmacy online references.
Clinical PharmacologyThis link opens in a new windowClinical Pharmacology is an expert source for drug information that is accurate, clinically relevant and current. Clinical Pharmacology provides information through monographs, overviews, reports, drug product identification, primary drug information, patient information and more. According to the website, Clinical Pharmacology is the primary drug information and medication management resource of the majority of the country's largest retail pharmacy chains and consultant pharmacy corporations as well as hospitals and medical centers.
Facts and Comparisons eAnswersThis link opens in a new windowIncludes drug information from a variety of high quality reference works.
Includes drug information through the following references: Drug Facts and Comparisons, Drug Interaction Facts, Drug Identifier, Herbal Interaction Facts, MedFacts Patient Information, Review of Natural Products, A to Z Drug Facts, Nonprescription Drug Therapy, Off-Label Drug Facts, Interactive Comparative Drug Tables, Drug Interaction & Disease Profile Screening Tool, Medical Calculators, Black Box Warnings, Pregnancy and Lactation Warnings, Bioequilvalency Codes, Investigational Drugs, Manufacturer Index, Patient Assistance Program Information, Orphan Drugs, Medication Guides, FDA Medwatch Links, and Drug and Industry News. Modules include: Cancer Chemotherapy Manual, 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Trissel's IV-Chek, ToxFacts Toxicology Treatment Guidelines, and The Formulary Monograph Service.
Lexidrug OnlineThis link opens in a new windowUpToDate Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp) is a collection of content sets and clinical tools that provides users with robust clinical drug information. It provides the following modules: Interactions, Drug Identification, Trissel's I.V. Compatibility, Patient Education, Medical Calculators, MSDS, Toxicology, Lexi-Drugs Indexes, and other clinical links.
Pharmacist's LetterThis link opens in a new windowThis is an online service for pharmacists covering new developments in drug therapy. It also provides access to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database and the Ident-A-Drug Reference. The Ident-A-Drug Reference identifies drugs by codes, color and shape.
Sanford GuideThis link opens in a new windowGuidelines for treatment of infectious diseases, drug interactions, and pharmacological data.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowUpToDate includes access to over 10,000 topics in over 22 specialties. Once you create an UpToDate account, you can access the mobile app using the same account.
USP–NF OnlineThis link opens in a new windowYou must create an account to use this resource using your Sullivan University email address. Instructions on creating an account: