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Business Management
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) - Business and Management
DOAB provides open access to over hundreds of academic peer-reviewed books.
OER Commons - Management
OER Commons is a freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search and discover open educational resources and other freely available instructional materials.
OpenStax - Principles of Management Textbook
OpenStax includes textbooks on math, science, social sciences, humanities, and business.
Open Textbook Library - Business, Management & Marketing
Provides a growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks.
Network of free volunteer small business mentors. Includes free business templates, guides, checklists, videos, and other helpful resources to help you start and grow your small business.
Strategic Management
OER Commons - Strategic Management
OER Commons is a freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search and discover open educational resources and other freely available instructional materials.
MERLOT - Management
MERLOT provides discipline-specific learning materials including learning exercises, projects, papers, and class activities.
Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain Management