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Personal Finance Resources
360 Degrees of Financial Literacy
This free program was designed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances through every stage of life.
Better Money Habits
Resources for helping learn about and improve your personal finances. Financial Calculators
This site collects one of the most comprehensive list of financial calculators on the web. Use these free tools to help begin almost any financial analysis.
Economics Study Guide and Resources for Students
Another great list of resources from the planning & education section of a financial institution. As always read/use these with a critical eye to your specific information need.
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
Provides information for both industry professionals and individual investors. Their investor section has a wealth of information about saving, investing, and protecting yourself against fraud.
Jump$mart is a non-profit focusing on Financial Literacy.
Money Essentials
This page from CNN/Money collects topics related for personal finance articles and advice.
Money Smart
The FDIC's Money Smart financial education program can help people of all ages enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. First released in 2001 and regularly updated since then, Money Smart has a long track record of success.
A very in-depth collection of resources from the Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission.
NYPL Financial Literacy Resources
The resource page from the New York Public Library's financial literacy center, includes web resources as well as podcasts.
RAND Financial Literacy Center
The mission of the Financial Literacy Center is to develop and test innovative programs to improve financial literacy and promote informed financial decision making.