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Budgeting Websites & Worksheets
Car buying calculator
These two calculators help you determine car price, interest, and depreciation and to decide whether to lease or buy.
Home purchasing decisions
These three calculators can help with home purchase decisions including mortgage payments and interest, buying verses renting, and refinancing.
Personal Budget
Here is an excel spreadsheet which can be used as a monthly budget.
Personal Monthly Budget 2022
This Excel monthly budget template tracks your monthly expenditures by income and expenses.
Kiplinger's Interactive Budgeting Worksheet
Use This Worksheet to get on top of your monthly living costs by projecting expenditures in various categories, and then comparing those projections to what you actually spend. First, enter your estimates in the Projected column. Print this page and keep it. Over the next month, record your expenditures in these categories in a small notebook, then re-enter both sets of numbers in the worksheet. The buttons will calculate the rest of the values for you. You may want to save this file on your own computer or simply bookmark the page to use over successive months.
Budgeting Worksheets:
From a list of many worksheets that will help with all the aspects of budgeting and personal finance.
Simple ways to add to your savings
From Better Money Habits a joint effort between KhanAcademy and Bank of America to improve America's personal finance habits and knowledge.