Many students need to borrow funds to pay for a quality education here at Sullivan University. Here is some helpful information for students when dealing with student loans, lenders, and student loan assistants.
The Costs And Benefits Of Higher EducationThis episode of the FiveThirtyEight Politics mini-series focuses on the costs and benefits of higher education. Read the transcript and/or listen to the episode.
How to Write the Perfect Scholarship EssayWriting the perfect essay can seem next to impossible. But 26-year-old Kristina Ellis says it doesn’t have to be. She won half a million dollars in scholarship money for college and now, she’s teaching others how to write award-winning essays in her book, “Confessions of a Scholarship Winner.”
Student Loan Borrower AssistanceA site from the National Consumer Law Center. This is a resource for borrowers, families, and Advocates.
Scholly-ScholarshipThe Scholly app, which is available for iOS and Android devices, was designed by a college graduate who earned several scholarships. The website above has additional information about the Scholly app.