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Community Service Resources

We've compiled a directory of organizations in the Louisville and Lexington areas in order to provide SU students, faculty, and staff with opportunities to meaningfully engage with our communities.

Community Service Resources Home

The skyline of downtown Louisville, Kentucky featuring the skyscrapers of the city against a bright blue sky. White clouds can be seen around the edges of the photo. The trees in the lower foreground are green, with some beginning to turn orange and red for the autumn season.Welcome!

Welcome to the Sullivan University Library guide to getting involved in the Louisville community! Whether you are a student, alumni, or faculty/staff member looking to make a difference, you can find a variety of service opportunities here. You can navigate through each type of service or issue they address using the menu, get to know each organization, and check out the website links to learn more.

Lexington Location Resources Page

Lexington Campus Resources

The Sullivan University Lexington campus also has a LibGuide with some great resources in the area, don't forget to check them out here!

Suggestions Are Welcome!


If there is an organization serving out community you'd like to support, let us know! Please email your suggestions to