Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
A U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website with clinical information, news for consumers and patients, funding opportunities, data, research, and more.
PubMed Bioethics Information Resources
Allows the user to perform a search in PubMed on bioethic issues. Includes information about genetics as well as consumer information via Medline Plus.
Evidence-Based Practice Tutorials
Interactive modules provide an introduction to evidence-based practice. From Duke University.
Evidence-Based Nursing Series from AJN
This collection of 12 articles is from the Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation's Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice. The purpose of the series is to give nurses the knowledge and skills they need to implement EBP consistently, one step at a time.
Evidence Based Practice: Duke University Medical Center Library Libguide
Provides a tutorial as well as information about PICO, study design, searching, appraising, statistics, and more.
Medical Literature Searching Skills: PICO
Provides an animation on how to use PICO to formulate an "answerable" question. Other interactive examples include: PICO examples and How to apply PICO.
National Institute of Nursing Research
Includes details about nursing research. Contains information about "what is nursing research?," research and funding, training, and other news.
Trip Database
Free search engine for finding research to support evidence-based practice.
Behavioral Medicine a Guide for Clinical Practice 5th Edition by Mitchell D. Feldman; John F. Christensen
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The #1 guide to behavioral issues in medicine delivering thorough, practical discussion of the full scope of the physician-patient relationship "This is an extraordinarily thorough, useful book. It manages to summarize numerous topics, many of which are not a part of a traditional medical curriculum, in concise, relevant chapters."--Doody's Review Service - 5 stars, reviewing an earlier edition The goal of Behavioral Medicine is to help practitioners and students understand the interplay between psychological, physical, social and cultural issues of patients. Within its pages readers will find real-world coverage of behavioral and interactional issues that occur between provider and patient in everyday clinical practice. Readers will learn how to deliver bad news, how to conduct an effective patient interview, how to care for patients at the end of life, how to clinically manage common mental and behavioral issues in medical patients, the principles of medical professionalism, motivating behavior change, and much more. As the leading text on the subject, this trusted classic delivers the most definitive, practical overview of the behavioral, clinical, and social contexts of the physician-patient relationship. The book is case based to reinforce learning through real-world examples, focusing on issues that commonly arise in everyday medical practice and training. One of the significant elements of Behavioral Medicine is the recognition that the wellbeing of physicians and other health professionals is critically important to caring for patients.
Call Number: ebook
Publication Date: 2020
Fast Facts for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, Second Edition by Maryann Godshall
Designated a Doody's Core Title This is a pithy, pocket-sized resource for students and practicing nurses alike that delivers the foundations of evidence-based practice (EBP) and basic nursing research concepts in an easy-to-read, quick-access format. It demystifies the research process with straightforward information presented in concise sentences and bullet points. The book focuses on providing readers with the most practical information on EBP--including how to get the best evidence quickly using various databases and includes coverage of both quantitative and qualitative methods. At-a-glance charts categorize research and simple examples demonstrate concepts. The second edition has been updated to reflect rapidly changing trends and stateof-the-art information in EBP, including such new research methods as narrative inquiry and storytelling. Using proven, class-tested content for both traditional and online courses, this updated edition includes guidance on how EBP is used to obtain and retain Magnet status, and presents examples of how health care providers are integrating EBP into their practice. The text differentiates between EBP and research, often a difficult distinction for students to grasp. Extensive coverage of how EBP can be used to improve patient care includes many practical examples. Every chapter includes the popular "Fast Facts in a Nutshell" feature, highlighting must-know information. The book also provides background information on defining the "compelling question" which is essential to finding the appropriate evidence-based material. New to the Second Edition: Reflects new trends, research methods, and state-of-the-art EBP information Includes guidance on how EBP is used to obtain and retain Magnet status Provides examples of how health care providers and hospitals are integrating EBP into their practice Differentiates between EBP and research Discusses how EBP can be used to improve patient care
Call Number: ebook
Publication Date: 2016
Research Guides and Articles