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Google for Academic Research

Advanced Search

Google Advanced Search

Access Google's Advanced Search by clicking on 'Settings,' then 'Advanced Search' from the homepage, OR locate the gear icon This is an image of the gear icon used by Google. for the advanced search option.

What can I do with the Advanced Search?

  • Search for a range of numbers.

    Example: 10..35 lb, $300..$500, 2000..2016

  • Search for terms that appear in certain parts of the page, such as in the URL, text, or title.
  • Search for a specific file type
  • Narrow your results by region and date last updated
  • Find material that you can reuse
  • Search for resources in specific languages


Google infographic


Text Version of Infographic: Get more from Google

Get more from Google

Smarter searching = more results.

Google has billions of results for so many searches...but you can narrow down your results to what you want with these easy tricks:

  • ~ searches the word you want, plus synonyms or alternatives, for example, ~children.
  • " " searches what's inside as a phrase, rather than separate words, for example, "childhood obesity."
  • - what follows the minus is NOT included in the search, for example, -adults.
  • site: searches only pages from that site or type of site, for example,

Google gives more than just website results. Search for definitions by adding "define:" before the word you want. Like a specific search result? Get more like it by using "related:" and the webpage from your first search to see more like it.