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Faculty Development and Resources
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Library Instruction
Faculty Retreat
2022 Faculty Retreat Handouts & Videos
2021 Faculty Retreat Handouts & Videos
Deans, Directors, and Chairs
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Program-Level Outcomes Workshop
Course Map Workshop
Curriculum Management
Faculty Credentials
QEP for Colleges Workshop
Faculty Annual Evaluation
Academic Council Minutes
2022 Faculty Retreat Handouts & Videos
Students Don't Read Email: How to Close the Gap with Mobile Technology
Cara Dillard
Engaging/Motivating the Underprepared Student at the Class, Peer, and Administrative Levels
Kimberly Daugherty, Dale English, Abbey Hardy, Ben Stephens
Engaging and Supporting Students with Text Messages through Mongoose Cadence
Nina Martinez and Sean Ashcraft
Exploring Panopto through Project Based Learning
Ben Stephens and Kimberly Daugherty
How to Leverage Value, Expectancies, and Environment to Increase Student Motivation
Kim Elder and Nathan Doctor
How Well Do I Know Myself? Self-Assessment to Engage and Motivate Students
Kimberly Daugherty and Dale English
Preparing College Students to be Positive Influences in their Workplace
Nancy Barnum
Preparing the Unprepared Student: Set the Stage, Engage, Empower, and Teach!
Jamie Tilton
Providing an Inclusive Environment to Engage and Motivate All Learners
Dale English and Emily Frederick
2021 Faculty Retreat Handouts & Videos
Retention Effort for 2020 and Beyond
Tim Swenson and Nina Martinez
How We Move Forward: Faculty Collaboration and the Library (Video)
Amie Baltes, Jody Ford, and Kandace Rogers
How We Move Forward: Faculty Collaboration and the Library
Amie Baltes, Jody Ford, and Kandace Rogers
Building Better Assessments (Video)
Sarah Raake, Kimberly Daugherty, and Ben Stephens
Building Better Assessments
Sarah Raake, Kimberly Daugherty and Ben Stephens
The PEACE Model of Conflict Management, Compassion, and Forgiveness (Video)
Kimberly Castle, Becky Sams, and LaVena Wilkin
The PEACE Model of Conflict Management, Compassion, and Forgiveness
Kimberly Castle, Becky Sams, and LaVena Wilkin
Copyright for Sullivan Classrooms
Jackie Young
Cannabis, Hemp & CDB: Dispelling the Myths
Kathy Sanders and Jodi Scholes
Delivering Peer Feedback to Learners with Microsoft Power Automate (Video)
Ben Stephens, Kimberly Daugherty, and Sarah Raake
Delivering Peer Feedback to Learners with Microsoft Power Automate (Follow-up Video)
Ben Stephens
Delivering Peer Feedback to Learners with Microsoft Power Automate
Ben Stephens, Kimberly Daugherty, and Sarah Raake
Library Instruction
Deans, Directors, and Chairs >>