Watch out for scams. Legitimate scholarships do not charge a fee to apply. Below are some "red flags" to look for.
- Cash up front (require an application or processing fee)
- Free seminars (sales pitch for overpriced loans, products, etc.)
- Rewards without entries (no application, no work involved)
- Time-sensitive scholarships (first-come,first-served basis, not to be confused with deadlines)
- Sweeping claims (guaranteed or money back) - note: scholarships should be free.
- Requiring credit card or bank information (never give out this information!)
Check the website carefully. Here are some tips to help when evaluating the legitimacy of a scholarship or grant awarding organization:
- Who is responsible for this website?
- What is the expressed purpose of this website?
- When was this website created? Was it recently updated?
- Where does this information come from? Where can I find more information about its sponsors?
- Be very cautious before entering a social security number on any website.