Latinx: A gender neutral term used for latino/latina, a person of Latin American decent. The gendered structure of the Spanish language has made "latinx" a more inclusive (and controversial) term. Latinx is used mostly exclusively in the United States.
Hispanic: This term was first introduced by President Richard Nixon for the 1970 census. It can be a controversial term since it can be interpreted as an affirmation towards Spanish colonialism (however, this is not seen as universal for those of Latin American decent). The term Hispanic should not be used interchangeably with Latinx/Latino/Latina.
People of Latin American decent do tend to identify themselves by country of origin first, then second as Latinx/Latino/Latina or Hispanic. For example, a person from Mexico may identify himself as Mexican-American.
Where do immigrants from Latin American come from?
Generally from countries in the Americas where the languages of Spanish, Portuguese and French are spoken.
Latin America consists of 20 countries and 14 territories, mostly located in North (Mexico), Central and South America.
Other areas include Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands.